Audio Upload 10: “The Flatmates”

Constanza Vera as “Alice”
Paulette Montecino as “Helen”
Paulette Montecino as “Alice”
Constanza Vera as “Helen”
Episode 99:Girl Talk
Alice:It’s only me. Can I come in?
Helen:Yes but don’t look at me. I’m a mess.
Alice:Helen, you’ve been crying. What’s wrong?
Helen:I’ve just had some really bad news from Michal. He’s fallen in love with someone else and doesn’t want me to contact him ever again.
Alice:Oh, you poor thing.
Helen:I mean it wasn’t as if I didn’t see it coming. But still it’s a shock to see it all down in black and white.
Alice:That’s awful.
Helen:But you know what the worst thing is? Poor Tim got the brunt of it all. He just wanted to have a chat with me and I completely went off on one. Alice?

Social Justice in Education.

I discussed this topic with Luna and Constanza and we all agree that before we can get into social justice specifically in education, we must know the concept of social justice in general. So, What is social justice? Social justice is: justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. So now, knowing that definition, as a group be consider that, social justice in education demands equality for all students, but it also longs for growth that is caused by student diversity. The variety of personal values, experiences, and worldviews that appear from race, gender identity, religious and spiritual beliefs, ethnicity, class, age, sexual orientation, immigrant status, and learning potential. In other words, social justice in education refers to a commitment to challenging social, cultural, and economic inequalities forced on people emerging from any differential distribution of power, resources, and privilege.

As a future teacher I would promote social justice by teaching my students that we are all equal regardless of our diversities and that we all deserve respect and basic rights. At the same time I would teach them to create an opinion for themselves and not simply follow the opinions of others, so they will have their own social justice ideology. And obviously always maintain an environment where everyone feels comfortable and no one is pushed around.

Audio Upload 9: “The Flatmates”

Constanza Vera as “Tim”
Paulette Montecino as “Boss”
Paulette Montecino as “Tim”
Constanza Vera as “Boss”
Episode 89:Tim fights back
Tim:I won’t do it! You swapped the real watches for the fake ones and now you’re trying to wriggle out of it.
Boss:Tim, you’re making some very serious allegations. Do you actually have any hard evidence?
Tim:Well, I bet the police do. I bet it’s only a matter of time before you’re behind bars, where you should be.
Boss:I don’t think so. You’re the one who sold the watches and if anyone’s going to prison, it’s you, Tim. But whatever happens, I think our working relationship is about to come to an end, don’t you?
Tim:You mean you’re firing me?
Boss:I’m sorry Tim, I think I’m going to have to let you go.
Tim:Oh no, you can’t fire me, because you know what? I quit!!!